Cholesterol - Mood Connection
You may be surprised to hear this, but Cholesterol is one of the most valuable nutrients for mood; particularly stress coping; It is the substance we use to make our stress coping hormones and mood regulating sex hormones such as Testosterone the dominant male hormone.
Low cholesterol is firmly associated with depression, anxiety, irritability, violence, insomnia and even suicide. Cholesterol in the brain is critical for serotonin production. In fact cholesterol makes up about 25% of your brain!
Why is this important? Well for many years now we have all been told to avoid cholesterol like the plague, as it was assumed to have been the cause behind cardio vascular disease. Now, modern research has proven not only was this theory incorrect but inflammation is more problematic. During this time of fat phobia we all switched to vegetable oils to cook our food with, which as it turns out are very pro-inflammatory when heated to certain temperatures, to add fuel to the fire we cut out cholesterol and fat in the fear that it would cause heart attacks.
What we didn't realise is that our bodies are very smart and can manufacture it's own cholesterol. To add insult to injury for cholesterol, what really increases our internal production of cholesterol is excessive carbohydrate/sugar consumption. Internally we create a scenario of inflammation, insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) and cholesterol being out of whack, which lead to poor mood stabilisation and very sick and sad people.
Its easier to follow the mass hysteria and give into the fear mongering of mainstream media. What makes it all harder is the fact that one day something is good for you the next it's bad. In the case of cholesterol however, it's pretty safe to say that you won't have a heart attack by pouring some butter over your vegetables, and you may just be a little be happier too.